The Quokkas are a group of people who get together for a bit of cricket before heading to the pub on a Sunday afternoon.
The Yarra Pub Cricket Association is a local league that champions club trundlers, part-timers, has-beens, never-weres, and all rounders who average single digits with the bat and who bowl an off-break that turns so little it’s barely observable to the naked eye, despite how slow it’s moving through the air.
The Quokkas are The Empress’ pub league team. They are looking to bolster their ranks with anyone who is keen. They are seeking to champion diversity in the game of cricket, and we love them for that.
If you would like to be involved (and we would love you to be involved), then get the conversation started by filling out the form below.
It’s a Sunday every now and then, followed by a visit to the winning teams pub.
Anyone, of any ability, is welcome at The Quokkas. To read more about the organisation, click here.
Upcoming fixtures:
13/11 v Curtin Hotel @ Alphington
4/12 v Pinnacle Hotel @ Alphington
11/12 v Rose Hotel @ Fairfield Oval
15/1 v Rainbow Hotel @ Burnley
29/1 v Nomads @ Cox Oval
12/2 v Vic Hotel @ Poplar Oval
DATE TBC Pride Inclusion Game @ Hayes Park
26/2 v Nerrena CC @ Nerrena
5/3 - Big Day Not Out @ TBC
DATE TBC v Pomborneit CC @ Pomborneit

Play cricket
Get in touch with the pub: adam@theempress.com.au
Go straight to the source (speak to The Quokkas direct): fill in the form